


Event Location

The 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns is happening in Aalborg, Denmark.

Venue: Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center: AKKC

Directions (Google Maps): Europa Pl. 4, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Getting to Aalborg

Aalborg airport is 20 minutes from the conference venue by public transport. There are 30 daily connections between Copenhagen and Aalborg, as well as direct flights from Amsterdam Schiphol airport and London Stansted airport.

Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center is just a 5-minute walk from Aalborg railway station and bus terminal. National rail carrier, DSB, connects Aalborg regionally and nationally with frequent rail services.

Aalborg can be reached on a one-day train journey from European cities such as Vienna, Brussels, Basel, Berlin and Amsterdam. Almost all trains from mainland Europe require a change is Hamburg. Aalborg is also connected to the rest of Scandinavia with regular ferries from the neighbourhing town of Hirtshals (Norway) and Frederikshavn (Sweden and Norway).

Where to Stay

Hotel bookings can be made when completing registration, available here.

The conference venue is centrally located, making accommodation in any of the city’s districts a suitable option, thanks to regular public transport.

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